Re: SIM vs. QN

Kevin Gardner (
Wed, 15 Dec 93 15:54:42 EST

To all:
Sorry for propagating that faulty logic for the SIM
mode failure on DR=16 with the older 16-bit digitizers. If I
can just get my electronic foot out of my electronic mouth, I'd
like to offer a hearty "thank you" to everyone who offered their
input on the subject.

I'd also like to hear more discussion on the point of
baseline flatness/artifacts between sequentially and simultaneously
sampled spectra. As Dave Vander Velde alluded to in his post,
a variety of sources (inc. the Felix manual, as well as a number
of papers in the literature) argue that sim mode _should_ offer
better baseline characteristics, but this doesn't necessarily
pan out in practice as evidenced by the different opinions on
seq vs. sim in this discussion. Is this just voodoo or is there
an explanation behind it?


Kevin Gardner				 
Yale University Dept. of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry
Internet:      Bitnet: gardner@yalemed