QNP inserts

Bill Gurley ELEC-SHOP (GURLEY@novell.chem.utk.edu)
Tue, 19 Oct 1993 08:40:31 EST

I am wondering if any of you folks is having a problem with
breakage of probe inserts.

We have an AMX400WB with qnp, H-1 selective, Inverse, and
broadband probes. The qnp is used the most, but the H-1 selective
is used fairly frequently. We also have an imaging system which is
used 2 days per week. Consequently, we have 2 or 3 probe
changes each week.

For some reason, the inner 5mm quartz insert in the qnp probe gets
broken at a rate I haven't documented, but it seems like about once
every 3 or 4 months. (We are using quartz because one of our qnp
nuclei is B-11.) Bruker charges us $50 each for the inserts. It is
rare for a user to actually confess to dropping a sample in the
magnet with no lift, and I really don't think that is happening. So I
don't understand why this is happening so often. Do any of you
have any thoughts on this?

Frustrated in Knoxville,

| Electronics Services |
| | | || Department of Chemistry |
|-----||||-------||-----/\/\/\/--------University of Tennessee |
| + | | - || Knoxville, TN 37996-1600 |
| (615)-974-3145 [FAX: -3454] |
| Bill Gurley, Electronics Specialist [gurley@utkux1.utk.edu] |