Re: peak picking (
Tue, 26 Oct 93 17:15:23 EDT

In message <>
Glenn Facey <> writes:

>Is there some trick in getting good peak picking data from the software
>of an AMX? I am running UXNMR version 920801. It seems that when I
>select a threshold for peak picking, my line listings do not correspond
>to that threshold and often the intensities do not correspond to those
>on the display. I have played with the PC parameter with little success.
>Am I missing something simple?

I hope so, because I'm missing the same thing. By messing around with
PSCAL, CY, and possibly other things I have gotten the intensities
from pp to differ from the ones generated by the cursor by a factor
of about two. But that's the closest I've gotten.

When students ask me about peak picking I show them the nice method
for setting MI in the calib window, then tell them that it hasn't
ever worked right. I set MI by educated guesswork.

I am reminded of the long-distance company commercial with those
immortal lines:

Did you use the right finger?
Hold up your finger.
That's the wrong finger, use the right finger!

Hey, it's a Bruker.

Greg Young