Running xwinnmr on a remote machine
Tue, 16 Jan 1996 13:45:49 -0600 (CST)

I would like to know if anyone has had any experience in running xwinnmr
via a network connection from a remote machine. Is xwinnmr capable of this?
I was under the (no doubt gullible) impression that *all* programs that run
under the X Window System are capable of being run remotely but so far I have
had no luck.
I am using X11 on a '486 PC running under Linux and have been able to
successfully login to an AMX500 using rlogin and have been able to run the
'xload' program on the AMX500 with the output directed to my machine. This does
not seem to work for xwinnmr, in fact I get an error message:
[1] + Stopped (tty output) xwinnmr
amx 2% ps
796 ttyq3 0:00 csh
795 ttyq3 0:00 rlogind
803 ttyq3 0:00 uxnmr
808 ttyq3 0:00 stty
809 ttyq3 0:00 ps
amx 3%

As you can see, the output to my machine is foiled but the program is still
running. Any ideas?

Keith Brown
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan