Re: NMR-ENGINEering List
Mon, 25 Mar 96 08:45:37 1000

I have recently created a mailing list for NMR engineering.
The aim of this list is to encourage discussions amongst people involved
in NMR engineering. New developments, questions or general discussions
about the engineering aspect of NMR. All aspects of NMR are considered
(High Res, MRI, EPR, Solid State etc...) A plattform for Engineers,
Scientist and Students.

Represantives of Companies involved are welcome, but pure advertising of
their products NOT. Rather technical background information and/or

To susbcribe send email to


word only in the subject header (not in the message body)

hope to hear from you soon


**************************************************************** Wolfgang
U. Roffmann |Phone: +61 7 3365 4453 R&D
Eng/Operations Manager |Fax:+61 7 3365 3833 Centre for Magnetic
Resonance | The University of Queensland
St.Lucia, Qld, 4072
**************************************************************** "The way
to get things done is not to worry who gets the credit for it"