
Lab. Res. Mag. Nuc. - UBA (lrmnuba@df.uba.ar)
Wed, 5 Jun 1996 16:48:10 -0300 (GMT-0300)

To the NMR family for their opinion.
We are doing now on our AM 500 spectrometer some studies of NMR of 17-O using
D2-O for the "lock" as well as a standard for the 17-O. The D2-O is located in
a small glass "finger" at the end of a glass tube smugly fitting into a
standard 5mm o.d. sample tube. Now the vertical cylinder with the 17-O
standard, the sample inside the anular-cylindrical space and the Ho field ARE
Is any correction due to the magnetic susceptibility effects of the liquids
necessary ?. There are some different arguments runnings here about this
question and I would be very glad to have the opinion of people more
experienced than myself.
Please, answer to Valdemar Kowalewski.