Re: problems:

Stefano Caldarelli (
Tue, 11 Jun 1996 08:34:45 +0200

I have a AMX-600 myself.
We did observe a similar behavior (funny pulse calibration curve).

In our case, we had the following problem.
The ecoupler was not delivering a controlled pulse for power level between
HL1=2-9dB, the output was regular outside this range (ie Hl1=0,1 and
In particular, for the "bad' power levels we had the same 3us pulse with a
funny irregular shape no matter what we set the pulse length to.
After 4 hrs of testing the transmission line, the effect disappeared. we
still have no idea what was the reason, but we are confident it is going to
be back at some point.

Hope this helps


Stefano Caldarelli
Section de Chimie de l'Universite'
BCH-Dorigny Tel: ++41 21 692 3802
CH-1015 Lausanne Fax: ++41 21 692 3855