Re: Efficient storage of Xwinnmr spectra ?

Peter Lundberg (peterl@Chem.UmU.SE)
Tue, 16 Jul 1996 20:37:05 +0200

In message <> "Alexej Jerschow" writes:
> Hi!
> I noticed that Xwinnmr (1.1) processing data directories are often very
> voluminous due to redundant files that are saved along with 2rr. I know that

All I do before archiving data ('off-line') is to

rm */*/pdata/*/1* */*/pdata/*/2*

Maybe I should add 'dsp*' to this? The rough way is to delete the pdata
directory altogether, but then I would have to use edc to regenerate the
'processed data structure' again. A bit of a hassle.

73, Peter

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| Peter Lundberg Ph: (+46 90) 16 59 73 |
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