Re: Efficient storage of Xwinnmr spectra ?

Robert D Scott (
Wed, 17 Jul 1996 23:21:17 CDT

On Jul 16, 4:36pm, Alexej Jerschow wrote:
> Subject: Efficient storage of Xwinnmr spectra ?
> I noticed that Xwinnmr (1.1) processing data directories are often very
> voluminous due to redundant files that are saved along with 2rr. I know that

We use (and love) Graham's process_pdata script to delete the spectra.
Its almost a disk doubler. Lately some large plotfiles (from xedplot)
have landed in pdata so I've added this line to his script to get rid
of these:
find /diskname/data/*/nmr \( -name plotfile.????.ps -o -name
plotfile.???.ps -o -name plotfile.??.ps -o -name plotfile.?.ps \)
-atime +$ndays -exec rm {} \;

hope this helps,

dave scott
iowa state university