xwinplot files

Stefan Berger (BERGER@ps1515.chemie.uni-marburg.de)
Thu, 28 Nov 1996 17:18:28 MDT

Dear BUMers,

In the old days, we plotted spectra in Xwinnmr using hp_A4 as the
printer-plotter, created with this option an hpgl file, transferred this to
any wordprocessor, converted it with the appropriate hpgl filter,
annotated it and printed within the report.

When one uses the more advanced Xwinplot, this option is apparently
not more available. By printing to a file, a postscript file is created.

Does anyone know, how to integrate and/or convert this postscript
file into a report using textprograms like winword 7.0 or others? The
filter for encapsulated postscript offered by winword does not work.

Prof. Dr. Stefan Berger Phone: +49 6421 285520
Fachbereich Chemie Fax: +49 6421 288917
Universitaet Marburg email: berger@ps1515.chemie.
Hans Meerwein Strasse uni-marburg.de
D-35032 Marburg home page: http://sg1508.chemie.
Germany uni-marburg.de/~stb/stb.html