Re: xwinplot files

John Ralph (
Wed, 11 Dec 1996 11:09:48 -0600

Stefan Berger wrote:
>In the old days, we plotted spectra in Xwinnmr using hp_A4 as the
>printer-plotter, created with this option an hpgl file, transferred this to
>any wordprocessor, converted it with the appropriate hpgl filter,
>annotated it and printed within the report.
>When one uses the more advanced Xwinplot, this option is apparently
>not more available. By printing to a file, a postscript file is created.
>Does anyone know, how to integrate and/or convert this postscript
>file into a report using textprograms like winword 7.0 or others? The
>filter for encapsulated postscript offered by winword does not work.

On the Mac side, it is now very simple to pull the postscript files directly=
into Adobe Illustrator for annotation, coloring etc. All that might be=
required is to drop the file onto a "Text Autotyper" -- comes with=
JPEGView) so that Illustrator can recognize it but it otherwise comes in=
without a problem and without any further translation being required. I=
personally like the quality and have dispensed with all use of hpgl files=
now. I am also amazed at the small size of illustrator files generated this=
way compared to the old hpgl to PICT methods which could become unwieldy. I=
recently made a 3 ft by 4 ft poster with 8 (partial) 2D spectra, and the=
whole thing fitted on a floppy! Is Adobe Illustrator available for Windoze =

John Ralph
US Dairy Forage Research Center, USDA-ARS and Dept. of Forestry
1925 Linden Drive West Univ. of=
Wisconsin, Madison
Madison, WI 53706
(608) 264-5407 FAX (608) 264-5275