Peak picking

Frank Holger Foersterling (
Tue, 16 Mar 1999 12:22:10 -0600

Dear everybody,

We are using X-WinNMR 1.3 (patchlevel 9) on a Bruker DPX300
spectrometer running Iris 6.3.
When doing peak picking in carbon spectra very often only peaks
in one half of the spectrum plot region are picked, i. e. in a plot
region from 220 to -5 ppm sometimes only peaks upfield of 90 ppm
are picked. The parameters MI and PC and plot region are set
correctly, since peaks of similar or less intensity are picked in one
half of the spectrum. Also it is not a display problem arising from
too many peaks to be displayed on the plot since the peaks also
don't show up when doing PPS. Is there any other parameter
affecting which peaks are being picked ? Did anybody encounter
this problem and knows a way to solve / work around it ?
Any suggestions will be appechiated.


(o o)
Frank Holger Foersterling, Ph. D.
Director of NMR laboratories
Office: Home:

Department of Chemistry 4420 N. Wilson Dr. #2
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Shorewood, WI 53211
3210 N. Cramer Street B-10
Milwaukee, WI 53211
Phone:(414)-229-5896 (414)-962-6334