SpinWorks 1.2

From: Kirk Marat (kirk_marat@umanitoba.ca)
Date: Tue Mar 20 2001 - 09:36:41 PST

I am pleased to announce the availability of SpinWorks 1.2,
our NMR processing, analysis and simulation software. This package
provides the following features:

- Basic 1D processing and printing for Bruker, Varian, JEOL and TECMAG
data, including stacked display, integration, phasing, base-line correction,
peak picking, etc.

- Spin simulation with iterative parameter adjustment. Equivalence
factoring, X factoring (weak coupling), automatic assignment/deletion,
and dipolar coupling are included.

- HOGWASH resolution enhancement.

- NEW! dynamic NMR simulation using both the venerable old DNMR3
program and Alex Bain's much newer MEXICO program.

The package is available at: ftp://pauli.chem.umanitoba.ca in the
pub/marat/SpinWorks directory, and is currently available as freeware.
The file is SpinWorks1_2.zip (2.7 MB). You will need to use something
like WinZip or equivalent to extract the files.

Complete documentation is included in the distribution (as SpinWorks.doc),
but can also be downloaded separately in Word and Adobe pdf formats.
To install, simply run Setup.exe in the unzipped distribution and follow the
instructions. In most cases, simply using all of the defaults is fine.

Some of you may get this message twice, but it is cross-posted to
reach as many potential users as possible.


Kirk Marat, Ph.D., NMR Facility Manager
Dept. of Chemistry and Prairie Regional NMR Centre
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N2, CANADA
ph. (204) 474-6259, FAX (204) 474-7608

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