Welcome to our first-year podcast series.
This series of tutorials has been developed to support students in our Year 1 Chemistry courses at McMaster. Because they are intended in part as review, the series is also at a level which will support senior level high school students.
The podcasts currently available are on topics related to acid-base chemistry. We invite you to view these tutorials, which vary from about 2-7 minutes in length, depending on the topic.
If you have comments/feedback on what you see, or suggestions for future topics, please send a message to: Pippa Lock (Year 1 Coordinator), lockpe@mcmaster.ca
Note: for Mac Safari users, right click on the file, download it to
your computer, remove the .txt extension. For Windows users, right click on the
file and choose "Save Target As" to save them to your computer....
then go into iTunes and choose File --> Import to library.