AIMPAC Utilities envelope(3) NAME envelope - produces 3-D envelopes of CUBE output SYNOPSIS envelope qubfile envfile DESCRIPTION The ENVELOPE program reads in a cube of data (qubfile) output by CUBE and produces an iso-valued envelope of the function, output to envfile. This is done using interactive queries of the user for plotting information. The resulting file is these redirected to the output device for plotting. ARGUMENTS qubfile (for example 'hcoh.qub') The qubfile contains a cube of data output by the program CUBE. envfile (for example 'hcoh.rel') The output envfile contains the plotter calls to produce the envelope. This output file is redirected to the plotter directly. (for example 'cat hcoh.env > /dev/tty02') INTERACTIVE DIALOG Once the program has read in the cube of data the following questions are asked of the user; 1) EYE POSITION This requests the position of the eye of the viewer. This point can be considered as placed on an extended cube. A good starting point is 5*NX, 3.5*NY, 2*NZ. For example, for a 100X100X100 cube, EYE POSITION 500,350,200 would make a good initial guess. 2) OUTER CONTOUR VALUE This is the value of the iso-surface. 3) LARGER VALUES INSIDE OR OUTSIDE ENVELOPE The algorithm assumes that either the larger values are inside the iso-surface (repsond with -1) or they are outside the surface (respond with 1). If you get a cube as the result try using the other response. EXAMPLES envelope hcoh hcoh This requests a calculation of the isovalued envelope of the function in hcoh.qub. SEE ALSO cube(3) Release 1.0 AIMPAC envelope(3)