AIMPAC Utilities gridv(3) NAME gridv - calculates grid of values of rho or del2rho (in atomic units) in a user specified plane of a molecule. It differs from grid only in that it is vectorized and is thus much faster and is capable of doing finer grids in reasonable time - it is dimensioned to do a 400x400 grid currently. SYNOPSIS gridv infile wfnfile DESCRIPTION The gridv program reads the input data from the inffile and the wavefuction from the wfnfile and calculates a square grid of values of the requested property. ARGUMENTS infile (for example 'hcoh.inf') The input file describes the type and characteristics of the desired calculation. wfnfile (for example 'hcoh.wfn') The wavefunciton file contains the basis set and optimized coefficients from a SCF calculation describing the charge distribution of that molecule. FORMAT The input to GRIDV is free format with the first seven characters of each card being ignored by the routine and used by the user as labels for ease of use. An example of the input is given here. If the magnitude of the current density is being calculated then there is a sixth and seventh card in which the first seven characters are NOT ignored - i.e. put in only the relevant numbers. TITLE: Formaldehyde HF/3-21G//HF/3-21G rho INCRM: 10.0 0.100 CENTR: 0.0 0.0 0.0 PLANE: 0 1 2 3 4 NFUNC: 1 The cards are used as follows: TITLE: Formaldehyde HF/3-21G//HF/3-21G rho The first card is a 60 character title card. INCRM: 10.0 0.100 The second card defines the grid size and density. The first real number (N1) is the length of either axis of the grid in atomic units (all values are in atomic units). The second real number (N2) is the distance between each grid point along the axis. This defines the density of the grid as there will be N1/N2 points along each axis and hence (N1/N2)**2 grid points in total. CENTR: 0.0 0.0 0.0 The third card defines the center of the plot in the molecular frame of reference. The grid will be evenly placed about this point. PLANE: 0 1 2 3 4 The fourth card allows the user to define the plane of interest for this calculation rotating it to the XY plane of the plotter. The user has a choice of two methods for description of the plane, inertial axis or Euler angles. The first integer read determines which method is used. If the integer value is zero inertial axis is to be used. The integers following are the atom numbers of those atoms within the plane. Any number of nuclei (up to 30) may be used to define the plane (three atoms define a plane, but more may be entered). In this case, the user has requested that nuclei 1, 2, 3, and 4 be placed in the plane. If the atoms do not define a plane, the routine will make a best fit to the plane and the results will most likely not be desirable. If the integer value is 1 then Euler angles will be used. The first real number is the rotation, in degrees, about the molecular Z axis. (Positive rotations correspond to clockwise rotations when viewing down that axis toward the origin from the positive axis) The second real number is the rotation about the molecular X axis. The third is the rotation about the Z axis of the plotter's frame. For example if the formaldehyde molecule were in the YZ plane in the wavefunction file the following card would place the molecule in the plotter's XY plane. PLANE: 1 90.0 90.0 0.0 This corresponds to rotation about the Z axis, placing the molecule in the XZ plane. The second rotation about the X axis places the molecule in the XY plane. And the user has decided not to reorient the molecule now that it is in the XY plane, hence the third angle is 0.0. NFUNC: 1 The fifth card chooses the function to be calculated at each point in the grid. An integer value of 1 chooses rho while a value of 2 chooses del-squared rho. OUTPUT GRIDV generates a file containing the requested grid of data. This file will have the file extension '.grd'. The grid may be processed by running it through either contor or relief. EXAMPLES gridv hcoh hcoh This requests a calculation of the grid described in hcoh.inf using the wavefuction in hcoh.wfn. INSTALLATION Compile with full vectorization optimization. Make sure you are using the appropriate Matrix multiplication routines in the GAUS subroutine. SEE ALSO contor(3), relief(3) Release 1.0 AIMPAC gridv(3)