
Mike Bernstein (mike_bernstein@merck.com)
Wed, 15 Jun 1994 11:14:32 -0500


We're about to unleash our chemists onto CPU-4/SGI-based systems
after they've become quite comfortable with CPU/3. One thing they use
that's changed a lot is the plot editor. Thanks to folks at Spectrospin,
we've had some successes with AURA programming, but that's another issue.
I'm wondering if someone has taken the time to compile "how to"
notes on xedplot. If so, I'd appreciate a copy - especially if they're
battle tested. The program is clearly quite sophisticated and so there
are always a few ways to "skin the cat", some which our user group might
find easier. The transition to xedplot requires a fair rethink of how
hardcopy is generated from UXNMR.
If you're also interested in such information, then send me a
message and I'll cc: you on anything I receive.

Thanks in anticipation,

Michael A. Bernstein
Merck Frosst Canada, Inc.
P. O. Box 1005
Pointe Claire-Dorval, Que.
(514) 428-3931 (voice)
(514) 428-8615 (fax)