NMR user log -accounting and security

yl2 (Yiu-Fai_LAM@umail.umd.edu)
Fri, 04 Mar 94 14:41 EST

In an open lab enviroment, with spectrometers accessible to all users,
occasionally, we ran into conflict of interests among users or in some
other instance, out of pure ignorance, users took other's sample
out from the spectrometer and run their own instead. Althought these
incidence doosn't happen too often, but it does impose a potential politcial
storm among users for lab. manager etc.

I would like to ask your experience and approach that can be shared on these
matter: If the feedback is high, I will summarize the resource and post out
to the Bruker-user-group.
Many thanks.

Question 1 : Have you developed and use any PC interface program to
activate the spectrometer ? If so what are the pro and cons and firmware

Question 2 : Although one can use program to deactive part of the I/O unit
of the spectrometer, What about the shim unit and lock controls ? [ one
sugestion: have a 24 hours video cammera or hire a security guard ?.. a joke]

Yiu-Fai Lam
U of Maryland, College Park, MD.
voice mail 301-405-1869 or 1870
E-mail : yl2@umail.umd.edu or nmr@eng.umd.edu