2nd ethernet on SGI systems

Ed Murray (hal!em@uunet.uu.net)
Fri, 11 Nov 94 14:34:36 EST

DATE: November 11, 1994
TO: Bruker Users Mail
FROM: Ed Murray
RE: 2nd Ethernet port on SGIs

There have been some problems with the SGI and the communication to the
CCU/CPU4. Most notably is the occasional problem of rebooting the CCU/CPU4.
Described here is the fix for these problems. This should be done on all SGIs
connected to a CCU/CPU4.

The reason for the problems is on the naming of the second Ethernet port. The
name "gate-$HOSTNAME" is treated differently by the SGI than any other name.
This procedure will use the name "ASP_ST2" to remain consistent with Bruker KHE.

In this procedure the word "$HOSTNAME" refers to the hostname of the system. To
get this name type in the command "hostname" at a UNIX prompt and it will
display it.

Before starting this procedure. Shut down the CCU/CPU4 and turn off the AQX rack

/etc/hosts - This file contains the name and address of the second Ethernet
port. To change this to the new setting search for a line that
looks like this: gate-$HOSTNAME

Set it to this: ASP_ST2

/etc/bootparams - Contains the pathnames for the root, swap and dump files
needed by the CCU/CPU4. The file will contain the following

spect root=gate-$HOSTNAME:/usr/diskless/clients/spect/root \
swap=gate-$HOSTNAME:/usr/diskless/clients/spect/swapfile \

Change it to look like this:

spect root= ASP_ST2:/usr/diskless/clients/spect/root \
swap= ASP_ST2:/usr/diskless/clients/spect/swapfile \
dump= ASP_ST2:/usr/diskless/clients/spect/dump

/usr/diskless/clients/spect/root/etc/hosts - This file contains the name of the
CCU/CPU4 and the second Ethernet port on the SGI system. It will contain the
following information: localhost gate-$HOSTNAME spect

Set it to this: localhost ASP_ST2 spect

/usr/diskless/clients/spect/root/etc/fstab - This file contains the file systems
that should mounted on boot up of the system. It will contain the following

gate-$HOSTNAME:/usr/diskless/clients/spect/root / nfs rw,bg,hard,retry=3,timeo=20 0 0
gate-$HOSTNAME:/usr/diskless/dl_usr /usr nfs ro,bg,hard,retry=3,timeo=20 0 0
gate-$HOSTNAME:/usr/diskless/clients/spect/var /var nfs rw,bg,hard,retry=3,timeo=20 0 0

Set it to this:

ASP_ST2:/usr/diskless/clients/spect/root / nfs rw,bg,hard,retry=3,timeo=20 0 0
ASP_ST2:/usr/diskless/dl_usr /usr nfs ro,bg,hard,retry=3,timeo=20 0 0
ASP_ST2:/usr/diskless/clients/spect/var /var nfs rw,bg,hard,retry=3,timeo=20 0 0

The next 2 files depend on where the second Ethernet board was installed in the
SGI. There are 2 slots it could be installed in. This effects the name of the
board (ec1 or ec2). This procedure will refer to the board as ec2. If it is ec1
replace the number "2" with a "1" for the next two steps. To find out what the
system refers to the second Ethernet board as, type in "hinv" at a UNIX prompt. The following should be displayed:

1 100 MHZ IP22 Processor
FPU: MIPS R4610 Floating Point Chip Revision: 0.0 (Depends on CPU type)
CPU: MIPS R4600 Processor Chip Revision: 1.0 (Depends on CPU type)
On-board serial ports: 2
On-board bi-directional parallel port
Data cache size: 16 Kbytes
Instruction cache size: 16 Kbytes
Main memory size: 32 Mbytes
Iris Audio Processor: version A2 revision 4.1.0
E++ controller: ec2, version 1 (The 2nd Ethernet port on here is ec2)
Integral Ethernet: ec0, version 1
Tape drive: unit 7 on SCSI controller 0: DAT
CDROM: unit 4 on SCSI controller 0
Disk drive: unit 3 on SCSI controller 0
Disk drive / removable media: unit 2 on SCSI controller 0
Disk drive: unit 1 on SCSI controller 0
Integral SCSI controller 0: Version WD33C93B, revision D
Graphics board: Indy 8-bit
Vino video: unit 0, revision 0, Indycam connected

/etc/config/netif.options - This file sets the sets the name of the second
Ethernet port. Search for a line that looks like this:


Set it to this:


/etc/config/ ifconfig-2.options - This file will contain the netmask and
broadcast address for the second Ethernet port. If it does not exist, create
it. It should contain the following information:

netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast

That is all of the changes that are necessary. The system should now be shut
down and restarted. Once it is restarted all of the changes that were made
will be in effect. Turn on the CCU/CPU4 and it will automatically reboot.

If there are any questions or problems please call me at 508-667-9580 Ext 311.

Best regards,

        .  o      .  .
        .    .  .    .                       Ed Murray
         .   .  .   .                        em@bruker.com
       B  R  U  K  E  R                      DiNOS Manager
         .   .  .   .                        Phone 508-667-9580 Ext 311
        .    .  .    .                       Fax   508-667-6406
        .  o      .  .