Re: your mail

Thu, 6 Apr 1995 14:18:55 -0500 (CDT) writes:
> Hi:
> This is my first mail to the net. I am working with a AMX-300 and my UXNMR
> version is 920801. I am running ROESY experiments on D2O samples with the
> standard "roesyprtp" pulse program. I would like to move the transmitter
> away from the water resonance during the spin-lock pulse to avoid
> Hartmann-Hahn transfer, but I don't know how to modify the sequence.Has anybody
> done it ? I would appreciate if someone could send me the sequence.
> Thanks in advance
Why not move the transmitter and spin lock away from the water and
use off-resonance (phase-ramped pulses) to pre-sat the water. Another
method to avoid TOCSY effects is to use the mixing sequences of
Hwang and Shaka, JACS 114, 3157 (1992).


Kirk Marat, NMR Facility Manager                  | We Keep the "N" in
Dept. of Chemistry / Prairie Regional NMR Centre  | NMR
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N2, CANADA               |
ph: (204) 474-6259, FAX: (204) 275-0905           |