I am trying to obtain decoupled Si-29 spectra on our AC-200 equipped with a
broadband probe and an ASPECT 3000 computer running DISRNMR89. To find the
Si-29 signal to begin with, I used a 50:50 mixture of TMS in CDCl3 successfully.
I read in the C-13 tune file and adjusted SF0 appropriately and then used a C-13
JOB file with SF0 changed. Initially, SW was set to 125000 and after a signal
was found, SW was decrease to 10000 and O1 adjusted appropriately, ?perhaps?. I
did get a signal, albeit, only after NS=1000 and the S/N is not great.
To obtain a proton decouple spectrum. I tried using CPD with 18H and O2 set to
3400 as it was for C-13. It did not decouple.
Is there a reference to the relationship between the combination of SF0 and O1
of the X-nucleus and the O2 appropriate for H-1 decoupling?
Thanks in advance.
Jim Howard
James C. Howard, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry
Middle Tennessee State University
Murfreesboro, TN 37132
JHOWARD@A1.MTSU.EDU (that is a one after the @A )