Point your WWW browser at
Or pick up the files by anonymous ftp from tesla.york.ac.uk in
/pub/edusoft (URL = ftp://tesla.york.ac.uk/pub/edusoft)
There you should find (in raw, zipped and gzipped format)
an ascii text version
a microsoft word binhexed version
an html version I developed out of the ascii version with hot links to
the software sources and (if your browser supports it) hot links to
peoples mailboxes.
Please aim any comments about the html format / links etc to myself not
Graham Barlow
| Dr. Graham Barlow | tower / VAX mail: gkb1 |
| NMR Service Manager | e-mail: gkb1@york.ac.uk |
| Dept. of Chemistry | Telephone: +44 (0)1904 432506 DDI |
| University of York | Fax: +44 (0)1904 432516 |
| Heslington, YORK, UK | WWW: http://www.york.ac.uk/depts/chem/nmr |
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