Magnet Wire

Wed, 10 May 95 21:11 EST

Sorry for the cross-postings. I hope no one receives 127 copies
of this. . .

I'm in the market for high quality "flat" magnet wire--mainly
for sample coils, but also for low inductance leads, traps, etc.
I've talked to people at Magnet Wire Inc., California Fine Wire,
and MWS Wire, among others. Invariably, I have been told that
wire of the desired dimensions (approx. 0.25-0.5 x 1.0-3.0 mm,
or 0.010-0.020" x 0.040-0.120") and other specifications could
be made, but to my knowledge, no one has such wire in stock.
This means that the minimum order would be 1,000 feet, which is
considerably more than I need to try wrapping a few coils.

Does anybody know of other magnet wire suppliers who might be
more likely to have such wire in stock? Or, better yet, does
anyone in cyberspace have sufficient quantities of such wire
to donate a few sample spools for my cause? Probe builders of
the world, unite!

Thanks in advance.
