Two Imaging Questions...

Bill Gurley (
Mon, 2 Oct 1995 15:18:58 EST

We do imaging work on a Bruker AMX-400WB with CPU/3 and BGU-II
pre-emphasis unit. We have a couple of questions for imaging people:

1. Currently, we have only our Mitsubishi Image Processor for
producing hard-copy images. We are wondering about other
possibilities. For example, we are told that there may be a setup
involving a 35mm camera for getting a photo or slide of an image
from the monitor display. Have any of you evaluated such a system?
Does anyone have any recommendations in this regard?

2. Recently we upgraded our software to UXNMR version 940510.B.6.
This upgrade created some problems regarding file format, in that
our off-line software (NMRI Image) running on a Sun remote
workstation can no longer read our UXNMR data files. We would be
interested in any suggestions on how to deal with this situation.
For example, is there a way to convert the IMND, ACQP, and FID files
back into the old formats (ACQU, SER, etc.), or somehow convert
these UXNMR files for viewing with generic imaging software (such as
NMRI Image, Xview, or Photoshop for the Macintosh)?? Any comments
will be greatly appreciated.


Bill Gurley, Electronics Specialist
Department of Chemistry, University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996-1600 phone 423-974-3145