Deane D McIntyre (dmcintyr@
Wed, 18 Oct 1995 09:42:41 -0600

In message <9504142256.AA14372@michael> Todd Alam writes:
> To the Bruker users:
> Has anyone attempted ZZNET or NMRNET hook ups to a power PC? As much as
> I loath macs I find myself in this situation and have no desire to fork
> out $$$$ if I can get by with the low cost solution.
Loath Macs?

Anyhow, the best way to handle the problem of PowerPC <-> Bruker depends
mainly what you have on the Bruker side of things. If it is a AMX or
something newer Ethernet is the way to go. All Power PC's have built
in Ethernet, however an adapter (ca $50) is needed for the older Power
PC's. We have never had a problem with this hookup.

If, on the other hand, you have an AM or older Aspect- based instrument,
it is not likely to be worth the $$ required to upgrade the Aspect for
Ethernet. I do not know about ZZNET or NMRNET, but Kermit is a cheap
(if slow) alternative that does work. Too bad however that changing the
baud rate to a serial port on the Aspect requires taking the Aspect apart
to get at the rotary baud rate switch however.....

Cheers, Deane D McIntyre
NMR Mananger
Dept. Biological Sciences
University of Calgary