Problem with digital to ana...

Wed, 25 Oct 1995 09:02:55 -0400

Just a note regarding:

I've found that converting digitally oversampled Avance data to the analogue
form using "convdta" leads to an incorrectly calculated TD in acqus - 122
points (the magic number for oversampled data) less than it should be.
Although slices in F2 appear fine in 2D experiments, it wreaks havoc when the
F1 transform is applied. Setting TD to the correct value overcomes this


.... The number 122 seems not too magical, 2K points (f2) ends up as
1987 (digital to analogue). As you say, it wreaks havoc. Best trick,
by the way (from my experience) is to predict after the truncation,
rather than simply resize. It took quite a while to arrive at the
reason why digital filtering was a little unreliable, post acquisition,
simply a matter of points!
