PostDoc Position Available

Andrew Whittaker (
Tue, 26 Sep 1995 14:41:59 +1000

I have had trouble getting this onto the mailing list - please ignore if
you have seen this already.

Dear All,

The Centre for Magnetic Resonance has a postdoc position available for
someone to work on NMR imaging and spectroscopy of a variety of materials
including wood and separation membranes. The position is for three years, and
salary is approximately AU$38,000 per annum. We are seeking someone with
experience with microimaging and solid-state NMR. Equipment at the Centre
includes MSL200 imaging 30cm horizontal bore, AMX400 and AMX300 with
microimaging, S200 whole body imaging, and MSL200 and MSL300 for solids.
For more details please enquire to addresses below.



+ +
+ Dr. Andrew Whittaker Phone: (61) 7 33654100 (sec) +
+ Solid-state NMR Group (61) 7 33654236 (off) +
+ Centre for Magnetic Resonance (61) 7 33653936 (lab) +
+ University of Queensland (61) 7 33653833 (fax) +
+ Queensland 4072 e-mail: +
+ Australia +
+ +
+ ,-_|\ +
+ / \St.Lucia, Brisbane +
+ \_,-._/ +
+ v +
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