NMRNET Aspect floppy disk

Stefano Caldarelli (Stefano.Caldarelli@unil.ch)
Fri, 1 Mar 1996 17:32:43 +0100

Dear BUMers,

we would like to install the NMRNET file transfer software on a AC200.
It is my understanding that the bottleneck of the operation is to find a
floppy with the ASPECT software. However, we do have a couple of machines
run by ASPECTs plugged directly on the net. So, to the point:

1. Is there any site I could retrieve NMRNET from? (osu?)
2. Could I retrieve the ASPECT software via FTP as well, then transfer onto
a floppy and finally to the AC200 I want to upgrade?

Thanks in advance for the replies. I will post a summary to the list.

Stefano Caldarelli

Stefano Caldarelli
Section de Chimie de l'Universite'
BCH-Dorigny Tel: ++41 21 692 3802
CH-1015 Lausanne Fax: ++41 21 692 3855