Just a couple of thoughts from my investigations regarding the same thing last
o Computer replacements are generally NOT designed for an MSL.
o I asked both Bruker UK and Hans Foerster himself in
Carlsruhe about computer upgrades for MSL and
they said 'will never happen'.
o I asked Tecmag and they said 'maybe by 3Q 1996', and
they would be interested in knowing what the demand would be.
o ASPECT upgrades are generally very expensive, but we do make
good use of the Ethernet interface (Bruknet) this might be more
useful than a SCSI upgrade???
Can a manufacturer prove me wrong, I'd love to upgrade my MSL300 with a new
computer without throwing away the entire console.
Regards, Graham Barlow
--/ Dr. Graham Barlow, NMR Service Manager \ / gkb1@york.ac.uk \ [ Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of York, York, UK ][ Tel: 01904 432506 ] [ http://www.york.ac.uk/depts/chem/nmr ][ Mobile: 0402 181253 ] \ http://www.york.ac.uk/~gkb1/ / \ Fax: 01904 432516 /