I'm a senior researcher at National Insititue of Bioscience and
Human-Techonogy, Tsukuba, Japan.
I'm interested in participating the Bruker-user-mailing lists.
I am chemical ecologist/NMR spectroscopist and am working with
AMX-500, AMX2-500, and DMX-750 spectrometers as well as Jeol
Please add my email address if possible.
Thank you.
Tadashi Nemoto(nemoto@nibh.go.jp) Senior Researcher
Natl. Inst. Biosci. and Human-Technol. AIST, MITI,
1-1 Higashi, Tsukuba, 305 Japan
TEL: +81-298-54-6126 Fax: +81-298-54-6135