MSL and T1 relaxation time measurements with the cross-polarisation

Wojtek Domalewski (
Tue, 9 Jul 1996 12:59:19 +0100 (BST)


I try to measure T1 relaxation times in the solid state. I tried to use
Bruker's CPCYCLT1.PC pulse sequence but it doesn't work. Phase cycling
doesn't work for longer delays. Did any of you try to do it (I am sure you
did) using this pulse program or another one for MSL ? I will be grateful for
comments and suggestions and/or its copy.

Thank you.

Wojtek Domalewski.
Wojtek Domalewski
School of Chemistry, --- __o tel (lab): (1334) 463875
The University, --- \<, tel (home): (1334) 464986
St. Andrews, --- ()/ () fax: (1334) 463808
Fife KY16 9ST