We delete processed data older than n days on a daily basis to save space,
where n is normally 7 but can be reduced if things get tight. We delete 1i,
1r, 2ii,2rr,2ir,2ri and recently dsp* without any apparent problems. I have a
script which runs in roots crontab that does this; it also warns the users by
email that their processed data is to be deleted some number of days in advance
(just in case they want to save the procesed datat for some reason). The
script also sends to someone (you or root for example) a summary of disk usage
by user, a summary of the amount of processed data removed and (for a machine
with BSMS) a table of the last seven days helium levels.
If anyone would like to take a look at the script or use it themselves it can
be found by:
ftp at ftp://nmr.york.ac.uk/pub/process_pdata
www at http://www.york.ac.uk/depts/chem/nmr/NMR_Links.html#specific
or by connecting a windows or Samba disk to \\nmr.york.ac.uk\pub
Note that this version is different to that previously available.
> I beleive, also that the data sets "proc, proc2...", "acqu,acqu2" are
> (at least for archiving) since the actual processing/acquisition parameters
> kept in procs,proc2s/acqus,acqu2s. (they are not big compared to 2D data, but
> with 1D data they are)
I would be careful here; I think that the *s parameters contain the parameters
of the actual acquisition, anything done after that is stored in the files not
ending in s.
I would also like to know if there are other files I could delete without
prejudicing the data.
--/ Dr. Graham Barlow, NMR Service Manager \ / gkb1@york.ac.uk \ [ Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of York, York, UK ][ Tel: 01904 432506 ] [ http://www.york.ac.uk/depts/chem/nmr ][ Mobile: 0402 181253 ] \ http://www.york.ac.uk/~gkb1/ / \ Fax: 01904 432516 /