
Charles Anderson PD|GWK (anderson@novell.chem.utk.edu)
Tue, 23 Jul 1996 10:13:09 EST

I am running a 2D Roesy experiment and have a problem with TOCSY break
through. There is a pulse program called T-Roesy that suppresses
TOCSY correlations in a Roesy experiment. I believe that the T-Roesy
pulse sequence addes another CW pulse. This pulse followes the normal
CW pulse in a typical Roesy sequence.

If someone has a copy of this pulse sequence, I would like a copy or
if you could tell me where to place the command line and the proper
phase commands (ph#) at the end of the pulse sequence, would due
also. I am using an AMX400 for this experiment. If there is already
a pulse sequence in the AMX bag of tricks please let me know its name.
Any contributions to this problem greatly accepted.

Thanks for your help in advance.
Charles L. Anderson, Ph.D.
Department of Chemistry
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996-1600
Telephone:(423)974-3473 or 974-3661