MRR and 3He
Wed, 13 Nov 1996 11:30:05 -0500 (EST)

Dear NMRists,

Apologies for cross posts, but I wanted wide coverage.

Two questions:

1) Has anyone dealt with Magnetic Resonance Resources here in the US??
Specifically for service and trouble-shooting/maintenance?? If so, do you
have any impressions??

I am dealing with a GE-Omega 200 that is in some disarray, and am trying to
canvas options for giving it a full service/overhaul. Esp as GE-NMR systems
seem somewhat in limbo since their disappearance under Bruker, I'm
considering 3rd party options. I've known of MRR for quite some time, but
never talked with anyone who has dealt with them. If anyone has had them
service/repair/overhaul their system (of any brand) and has some comments,
I'd be glad to hear from them.

2) My work here involves noble-gas imaging, including 3He. The resonance
frequency for 3He seems to conveniently lie outside the range of 15N-31P and
19F-1H frequency ranges covered by most broadband NMR's, including my Omega
200. Obviously, other synthesizers are required. Has anyone dealt with this
problem on exotic nuclei??

Many Thanks,

Ross Mair

Ross Mair
Visiting Scientist Office Phone: (617) 495 7213
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Office Fax: (617) 496 7690
Mail Stop 59 email:
60 Garden St
Cambridge, MA 02138 NMRlab Phone: (617) 278-0638
USA (at Brigham and Women's Hospital)