MacFID and AMX400-X32 files

John Williams (
Thu, 6 Feb 1997 15:50:21 +0800

Dear BUMer's,

I am trying to use MacFID 5.4 on a PowerPC 8200/120 to work up my NMR data
acquired on our AMX400 + X32 system. I can perform file transfers to my
Mac and then FT the FID to display the spectrum, but it is truncated (12k
to 2k points). In UXNMR the FID file is saved as separate real and
imaginary files, plus the processing parameters are saved as dual files.
MacFID requires separate data, acqus and procs files, instead of the series
of files saved in UXNMR. Does anyone know how I can convert the UXNMR
files to a set of three files (fid, acqus & procs) as presented in the
Bruker sample dataset?

Many thanks for your help in advance.

Dr. John Williams
Instiute for Cardiovascular Physiology
Heinrich Heine University
40225 Duesseldorf
Ph: +49-211-8112785
Fax: +49-211-8112672