sequential mode ffts

Ronald Kirk Marat (marat@cc.UManitoba.CA)
Tue, 22 Apr 1997 15:02:58 -0500 (CDT)

I am currently adding basic data processing to out spectral simulation

Does anyone know the correct fft algorithm for processing Bruker
sequential mode data? (qseq mode) I have tried various post-processing
treatments that are supposed to allow one to use a complex fft with
real data, but they don't seem to work with these fids. My fft routine
works just fine with simultaneously sampled data (eg Bruker qsim mode and

While were at it, how about the new DSP processed data and DQD data?

Thanks in advance!


Kirk Marat, PhD -  NMR Facility Manager          | The meek shall inherit the
Dept. of Chemistry / Prairie Regional NMR Centre | earth - they are too weak 
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N2, CANADA              | to refuse.
ph: (204) 474-6259, FAX: (204) 275-0905          |