low temp problems in DRX-500

Ana Poveda (ana.poveda@uam.es)
Wed, 17 Dec 1997 16:05:04 +0100

Many thanks to all who responded to my question about doing low temp
experiments in DRX machines.

All the suggestions confirmed that the problem was not me, but the
spectrometer. The VTU was not installed/configured properly. There was
an electronic switch in a wrong place inside the BVT-3000 and the DRX
was not able to recognice the evaporator device. Finally, Bruker's
people have resolved it.

Thanks everybody


Ana Poveda
SIdI-RMN, F. Ciencias                 Fax: +34 1 397 8645
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid        E-mail: ana.poveda@uam.es
Cantoblanco, 28049-Madrid