On one occasion we had a blocked Liquid Nitrogen vent and it was
recommended that we blow room temperature nitrogen gas (analaytical
grade as used for routine filling) into the vent to melt the ice. It
worked. I don't know it this is the kind of thing you want. If you
get many senaria with solutions please publish them as a digest on
the list.
Andy Soper.
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Electronics Section.
Rhodes University. P. O. Box 94, 6140 Grahamstown,
South Africa (The 'Rainbow People' Country).
Voice: +27 (0)461 318412 [with answering service]
Cellular Phone +27 (0)82 776 1692
FAX: +27 (0)461 311205
Internet: paas@giraffe.ru.ac.za