sticky mats

Don Leek (
Tue, 10 Feb 1998 12:46:26 -0500 (EST)

This morning I asked a question about keeping iron
filings out of the NMR lab. I have received a number
of interesting answers, but they all seem to fall
under two main themes:

1) Just live with it, and occasionally clean off the
magnet with duct tape.

2) Place clean room sticky mats with tear-off sheets
at the door.

Unfortunately, no one has given me the name of a supplier
for these sticky mats. They sound like the type of thing
that might have been invented for the semiconductor
industry. Anyway, if anyone knows of a supplier please
let me know and I will broadcast it to the group.


Donald M. Leek
Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences
National Research Council Canada
Ottawa, Canada K1A 0R6
phone: (613) 993-6356
fax: (613) 952-0068