XWIN/Xeasy conversion

James Swarbrick (jswarbri@alchemist.chem.mq.edu.au)
Tue, 12 May 1998 11:24:31 -0700

Dear BUMers

Im using Xeasy 1.3.13 and the conversion program uxnmr_to_xeasy (release
0.5) which seems to me to be the latest data conversion program.

Unfortunately (for me) Im having problems converting some/not all of my
data sets. The symptoms are 2d peaks which are pure phase in xwin but
after conversion the intense peaks are of mixed phase amd the central
region seems to be inverted. It seems to be a problem with the scaling
down in the conversion routine. Has anybody come across this before? a
remedy? Can I change something in the processing in xwin? Ive messed
around with smx sizes and the processing parameter NC_proc but with
little success.


James Swarbrick
Dept Chemistry
Macquarie University