WOBB error

Sato, Bob (RKS@mv.catalytica-inc.com)
Thu, 18 Jun 1998 14:36:37 -0700

I am trying to solve an instrument problem on my DMX (running XWINNMR 2.0).
When I wobb, the message at the bottom of the XWINNMR window indicates that
receiver gains of 8, 4, 2 and 1 are being tried. Then the following error
message appears:

wobble signal too strong despite smallest receiver gain

Has anyone seen this before?

bob sato


Robert K. Sato, Ph.D.
Catalytica Inc.
430 Ferguson Drive
Mountain View, CA 94043-5272 USA
Voice: (650)940-6375
FAX: (650)960-0127
EMail: rks@mv.catalytica-inc.com