
Alan Kenwright (a.m.kenwright@dur.ac.uk)
Mon, 29 Jun 1998 14:35:42 +0100

A lectureship is available in the Chemistry Department of the University
of Durham commencing on 1 September, 1998 or as soon as possible
thereafter. The appointment is for an initial period of three years,
extendable for a further two years and with some potential for
continuation to a permanent position. The successful candidate will be
required to teach undergraduates general aspects of physical and
theoretical chemistry (possibly including mathematics for chemists) and
to develop a succesful research programme.

Although it is not specifically mentioned in the job description
included in the advertisement, there is a small preference within the
department for an appointment concerned with some aspect of NMR. The
department is well equipped for NMR research, having the solid-state
research group of Professor R. K. Harris as well as five solution-state
spectrometers (200 to 500 MHz). The successful candidate would be
expected to undertake independent and/or collaborative research, and
access to suitable spectrometers should not be a problem.

Further details and an application form may be obtained from the
Director of Personnel, University of Durham, Old Shire Hall, Durham,
DH1 3HP, UK (tel: +44-191-374-7258, FAX: +44-191-374-7253, Email:
Acad.Recruit@durham.ac.uk) Salary will be on the lecturer scale
(£16,655 - £21,815 p.a. as at 1 October, 1998).

Informal enquiries can be made to Professor R. K. Harris (tel:
+44-191-374-3121 or E-mail: r.k.harris@durham.ac.uk).

Closing date: 16 July, 1998. Ref. No.: A804D


Alan M Kenwright Senior Research Officer (NMR) Department of Chemistry University of Durham Durham DH1 3LE UK