Booking list system??

Frode Rise (
Mon, 9 Nov 1998 14:40:01 +0100

Dear Bruker Users

We are currently considering making an "electronic" booking system for our
NMR spectrometers. Our users are located several places in the Oslo area
( and close by small towns
and an easy access via Netscape (or similar) to the booking lists with
write perimissions (on empty slots) for people belonging to our nmr-users
group and write (and erease) permissions for the system operators is on our
wish list.

We would also have a terminal/monitor close to the entrance of the NMR
lab(s) displaying all lists simultaneously and the lists should be updated
in real time when someone does a change to any of the lists.

Certain restrictions would of course apply, minutes and hours and total
booking time in a certain time interval as well as how far into the future
you are allowed to book the routine instruments.

Our computing people/programmers wants to know if this task already has
been accomplished somewhere in the world. They would of course prefer to
copy of an already existing solution if possible.

Thanks for all and any suggestions!
Frode Rise

Frode Rise
Kjemisk institutt, Univ. i Oslo
Pb 1033 Blindern
0315 Oslo

Pilestredet 55C
0350 Oslo
tlf 22460741 og 22461476