XWINNMR on PC's with NT

Mon, 16 Nov 1998 11:59:39 -0500

Hello spinlanders,

We are seriously considering a move to a high end PC running NT in order to run our
instrument, which is a DRX-300. We are doing this mainly because the cost of a PC, with
everything possible for speed, costs much much less than a new Unix system. In addition
there is onsite support for PC's and not for Unix systems, and being that I am no Unix
wizard it would be helpful.

My question is this, Has anyone made this change yet, and/or bought a system running the
PC NT? I would be interested in knowing your thoughts about this switch.

Thanks for your help.

Bill Padgett MD-68
United States Environmental Protection Agency
86 T. W. Alexander Drive, MD-68
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711

Email: padgett.william@epamail.epa.gov
Phone: 1-919-541-7518
FAX: 1-919-541-0694