Xedplot manual

Paul Shin (alchemy@oxy.edu)
Tue, 23 Feb 1999 08:27:51 -0800

Hello all,

Thanks so much for all of your responses. The concesus was that there is no
manual for Xedplot. A Bruker representative responded and is sending me
what there is for deconvolution in Xedplot. My application is for static
CSA analysis, but this may help. If any of you would like a copy of what I
receive, I'll be happy to pass what I get along (w/Bruker's consent) or
I'll give you the contact person at Bruker.


P.S. We do use Xwinplot as well, but it does not handle static CSA analysis.

Paul Shin, Ph.D.
Instrumentation Facilities Manager
Department of Chemistry
Occidental College
1600 Campus Road
Los Angeles, CA 90041
(323) 259-1416 Office
(323) 341-4912 FAX


Imagination is more important than knowledge
