15N in reaction mechanism studies

Leek, Don (Don.Leek@nrc.ca)
Mon, 3 May 1999 14:08:27 -0400

I have been assisting a chemist in using NMR to study the reaction
mechanisms of amino acids with fluorescent compounds. Recently we did the
reaction with a 15N labelled amino acid. We do not have very much material
but I was able to observe some interesting signals using 15N DEPT. Does
anyone know of any recent papers describing the use of 15N NMR in the study
of reaction mechanisms, including best practices, possible problems, etc?

Donald M. Leek
Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences
National Research Council Canada
Ottawa, Canada K1A 0R6
phone: (613) 993-6356
fax: (613) 952-0068
email: don.leek@nrc.ca