Bruker Solid State NMR Symposium

Martine Ziliox (martine.ziliox@NMR.BRUKER.COM)
Wed, 19 May 1999 16:18:39 -0400

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I am delighted to announce that the 7th Bruker Solid State NMR symposium
will take place this year as usual in Denver, Colorado, on the Sunday prior
to the Rocky Mountain Conference. The meeting will be held on August 1st at
the Hyatt Regency hotel in Denver, which is also the location of the Rocky
Mountain Conference. Please check the bulletin boards in the hotel for the
exact location of the meeting room.

The symposium will begin at 10:00 AM. In the morning, we will present some
of our recent developments and results in Solid State NMR. This session will
be followed by a buffet lunch. The afternoon will be devoted primarily to
scientific presentations by Bruker users on various topics, including
cross-polarization of quadrupolar nuclei, a new processing approach of MAT
data and distance measurements in inorganic solids. The detailed program
will be available shortly.

If you are planning to be in Denver on August 1st, I hope you will join us.
There is no registration fee for the meeting, but for planning purposes we
would like to know as early as possible if you will attend. A registration
form is attached for your convenience. You can also inform me of your
participation by email, fax, telephone or mail. I can be reached at the
following addresses:

Bruker Instruments, Inc.
44, Manning Road
Billerica, MA 01821
(978) 667-2955 (fax)
(978) 667-9580 x113 (voice)

Our program is not finalized at this point and can still accommodate
additional presentations. Please let me know whether you would like to give
a talk on some of your research or share your experiences on how to
implement or optimize new experimental techniques. The talks are quite
informal and should be 15-30 minutes long.

I look forward to seeing you at the meeting. In the meantime, please feel
free to contact me if you need any further information.


Dr. Martine Ziliox
Applications Manager
Solid State NMR

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\par }{\b\f1\fs20=20
\par APPLICATION FORM}{\f1\fs20 (Please return to Carol Cuozzi at \tab =
Bruker Instruments, Inc.
\par \tab \tab \tab 44 Manning Road
\par \tab \tab \tab Billerica, MA 01821
\par \tab \tab \tab Fax: (978) 667 2955
\par =
\par I would like to attend the 1999 Bruker Solid State NMR User's =
meeting on August 1}{\f1\fs20\super st}{\f1\fs20 , in Denver, CO. =
Please be sure to send me a schedule and other details about the meeting =
as soon as they are available.
\par =
\par }{\f1\fs20\ul=20
\par }{\f1\fs20 Name
\par =
\par Organization
\par =
\par Address
\par =
\par }{\f1\fs20\ul=20
\par }{\f1\fs20 City/state/zip
\par =
\par Instrument(s) on which you perform solids experiments
\par =
\par }{\f1\fs20\ul=20
\par }{\f1\fs20=20
\par I will / will not / be able to present a talk.
\par =
\par }{\f1\fs20 Preliminary title:
\par =
\par Brief abstract:
\par }}