summary: plotting of parameters and new question

Frank Holger Foersterling (
Mon, 22 Nov 1999 19:54:18 -0600

Dear BUMers,
Thanks for the many answers about plotting parameters from an
external workstation. The common thread of most answers was that
the workstaion has to be configured like a spectrometer, including all
pulse and gradient programs. In my particular case the problem was
resolved when I copied all my gradient programs from the
spectrometer to my workstation.
Here is another question:
We recently purchased a HP Laserjet 5000Nas network printer. This
printer has two different trays for letter size and 11x17 paper. I can
set up the printer under UNIX with two different printer names (i.e.
miro and miro_b, respectively) to print to letter size or 11x17 using
the command "lp". However, the XWinNMR command "plot" uses the
"lpr" printer spooler. My question is how would I set up two different
plotters under XWInNMR (ps600_A_N and ps_66_B_N) using the
same printer host, but with different paper sizes. Any suggestions ?
Has anybody intalled a printer with two different papersizes ?
Thanks a lot


(o o)
Frank Holger Foersterling, Ph. D.
Director of NMR laboratories
Office: Home:

Department of Chemistry 4420 N. Wilson Dr. #2
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Shorewood, WI 53211
3210 N. Cramer Street B-10
Milwaukee, WI 53211
Phone:(414)-229-5896 (414)-962-6334