From: Charles L. Anderson (shiulong@bayou.uh.edu)
Date: Wed Feb 02 2000 - 14:52:19 PST

Please pardon any cross posting of this note.

I seem to be having a small problem with two of our spectrometers, GE
QE-300's. It is more of an annoyance than a problem. It is the dredded
Y2K that brought the whole world to a stop last month. When I set the date
in the spectrometer's 1280 computers to 00 I get 80 instead. This means
the the spectra are being printed with a date of 1980, which is not as big
an error as 1900 would be, but it still doesn't look right.

Anyone know a way around this problem, besides not printing the date.



Charles L. Anderson, Ph.D.
Manager NMR Facilities
Department of Chemistry
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204-5641
Office: (713)-743-2728
Fax: (713)-743-2709

"Anything one man can imagine
 others can make true"
                Jules Verne

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