positions in NMR

From: Konstantin Pervushin (perv@mol.biol.ethz.ch)
Date: Tue Jun 27 2000 - 14:44:03 PDT

ETH Zurich
Institute of Physical Chemistry
Fully paid 0-3 years Postdoctoral and Ph.D. student positions in NMR
Debut: as soon as possible

Description: Structural analysis of large proteins using high resolution
liquid state NMR
The aim of the project is to establish and further develop a new type
of solution NMR technique TROSY (Transverse Relaxation Optimized
Spectroscopy) in applications to larger biomolecular systems such as
oligomeric proteins, protein/protein complexes and solubilized in
membrane mimicking media integral membrane proteins. The job includes a
broad range of molecular biological and spectroscopic objectives such as
- cloning, overexpression and isotope labeling of proteins for NMR
- developing new NMR experiments supporting structural analysis of
- investigation of intramolecular dynamics using NMR relaxation and
computer simulations
- high resolution NMR structure determination of soluble and membrane

The candidate should have a diploma or equivalent degree in biology,
chemistry, physics or natural sciences. For the postdoctoral position
Ph.D. in natural sciences and related experience in molecular biology or
NMR are required.

Remarks: The candidate will work in the environment of the fully
equipped molecular biology laboratory, high-end brand new Unix cluster,
brand new 600 MHz DRX Bruker spectrometer equipped with the cryo-probe
and get regular access to 800/900 state of the art DRX Bruker

Address of contact:
The candidate should send a full CV together with a motivation letter to
the address below.

Prof. Dr. Konstantin Pervushin,
Institute fur Molekularbiologie und Biophysik,
ETH-Honggerberg, HPK G-5   CH 8093, Zurich, Switzerland
Work: ++41-1-6336839 FAX: ++41-1-6331073 Home: ++41-76-3162056 (Natel) 

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